When starting a new job means... crossing your living room

It’s Sunday night. You set out a nice shirt, you even iron it for a change. Maybe you add something else: earrings or a tie. Pulling open one more drawer, you contemplate the final item, and settle on… your best sweatpants. 

After all, tomorrow marks the start of a new job, but you’re not leaving your house, and your colleagues will see you from the shoulders up, a new head on their video calls. 

What is it like to start a new job in a virtual world? How do you get to know your new colleagues and learn about the all-important ‘company culture’? Wait, what even is company culture right now? What should you be doing in your first weeks to begin to settle in? 

While it can be easy to focus on the transactional and dive right into the job to be done, you’ll get much farther in the long run by exploring the above questions. Based on my work supporting teams in building strong communities, here are five things you can do to immerse in your new work world. <read more>

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